freewot wrote:norton dns Must make a change! Why do many people can not use it!
Why do many people can not use it!
Norton admin make :
Norton dns default gateway :
100% of norton dns user ping time outIt is must be change to:
DO IT NOW, Please!
What is your IQ (Norton), the problem is very simple!PING time out!!! :smileymad:
idiot tech of admin
You state that a change must be made to the DNS, why?
A ping timeout only means that the server is set to refuse to respond to a ping. I've had no problems surfing the Internet using Norton's DNS servers.
The masks you list look like something that should be configured on your machine. They are not valid IP addresses for anything on the Internet. Please rethink your request. If you have a valid one post it in the product suggestions forum
Til then
Stay well and surf safe