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NU 16 cleaned files


Where are the files that tell me what registry keys,paths,folders that where fixed by NU16? I have noticed that this paid utility  is quite vague,  I know it will create a restore point, when I clean my reg and compact it. Other programs (free) give way more information than NU16, but i paid for this program. So I want to know what is going on with my registry.  My computer came with NIS 2013 so i stayed with the same security,  and then I purchased NU16. When do I clean these files or does NU16 take care of that also?


HP pavilion g6-2225nr

Win 8 X64 V6.2.9 IE 10

NIS 2014:smileyvery-happy:

Re: Power Eraser hangs on "checking internet connectivity."


I had a Norton tech use NPE.exe when i had a problem with NIS 2013, and when he was finished I couldn't get back on line without doing a restore, and he/NPE did NOT fix the problem.


HP pavilion g6-2225nr

Win 8 X64 V6.2.9 IE 10

NIS 2014

Re: Norton DNS and dns forwarding




The same nodes that serve 199.xx also serve 198.xxx, so we shouldn't see a difference at all here. 


The 'old IS' starting with 198.xx are exactly the same as the 199.xxx IPs.  The 19.xxx set will continue to work and will not be retired.  Please use the 198.xx set.





Ghost 15. Wrong date on File backup Last run.

This post has been moved to "Norton Ghost" board for better exposure.

Norton website is rubbish

This post has been moved to "Norton Mobile Security" board for better exposure.

Re: Norton DNS and dns forwarding


We are not seeing a difference in the behavior of the IP's for 199.xxx.xxx.xxx vs 198.xxx.xxx.xxx.  They are all broke, not to worry I have transitioned off of your service for dns forwarding service, problem solved for me.

Re: Power Eraser hangs on "checking internet connectivity."


yecart wrote:

I had a Norton tech use NPE.exe when i had a problem with NIS 2013, and when he was finished I couldn't get back on line without doing a restore, and he/NPE did NOT fix the problem.


HP pavilion g6-2225nr

Win 8 X64 V6.2.9 IE 10

NIS 2014

This can issustrate the point that F4E makes in post 2 above, that NPE can cause more trouble than it is worth.




Subscription Incorect expire date


I had computer trouble so i re-formatted and put my computer back and i put norton back on but it says its expired which is wrong as i buy my norton yearly, it shudnt expire till november 2014 so what i can do to fix this

Re: Subscription Incorect expire date


ProwlingTiger wrote:

I had computer trouble so i re-formatted and put my computer back and i put norton back on but it says its expired which is wrong as i buy my norton yearly, it shudnt expire till november 2014 so what i can do to fix this

Did you enter your email address as part of the Norton install? You need to register your product fot the subscription information to be updated. You will not be charged as another install as long as you have installed on the same hardware you had before.





Re: Norton DNS blocking akamai


The reasons all these sites are block today seems to be because Norton DNS is blocking akamai.net which tons of websites use.


Is anyone at Norton going to fix this?

Re: Norton DNS blocking akamai


I can confirm this problem.


I can't access many websites that are using Akamai, like http://www.portugal.gov.pt/ (website of the Portuguese government) , http://www.tomshardware.com/  .


Facebook uses Akamai for hosting images, as such Facebook has also been affected (for instance, images do not load).





Re: Norton DNS blocking akamai


I would venture millions of sites use akamai, hopefully someone is reading this and will fix.  Had to disable on our network for now.  Great product, just need this fixed ASAP.  Thanks!

Re: Norton DNS blocking akamai


Yes, this needs to be fixed ASAP. I use Norton DNS for all of my clients and the calls have started as to why websites can't be accessed. 

Re: Norton DNS blocking akamai


This is happening to me as well because of the akamai blocking a lot of websites are becoming unnecessarily blocked as I am using Norton DNS. I look forward to this becoming resolved very soon.

Re: Norton DNS blocking akamai




The Norton ConnectSafe team is  looking into the issue.



Thank you



Re: Norton DNS blocking akamai

Re: Norton DNS blocking akamai


For those experiencing the problem can you please do the following...



1) What is your location?

2) What IP set are you using? 

3) Please attach a screenshot of the Malware blocking issue

4) Please post a link to the Malware blocked page. There should be a "detailed report" link on this page that I would like to see. 


For troubleshooting you may want to try the following...

*Remove the Primary and Secondary IPs

*Try only one IP at a time. Start with the Primary and let us know if you are still experiencing the issue.

*Delete the Primary IP and try just the Secondary IP.  





Re: Norton DNS blocking akamai

The problem now seems solved, however this is the screen: http://i.imgur.com/9nVKiBP.png

DNS used: Location: Italy, Sicily.

UPDATE: NIS LU and Symantec site works. Norton Power Eraser still cannot connect to servers.

Re: Norton DNS blocking akamai


Thank you this is very helpful. We may have identified the issue and are working with the teams in charge of these components now. 

Re: Norton DNS blocking akamai

Thanks for the reply.

Only for info: NIS Live Update is now blocked again.
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