CeeBee wrote:
In a separate thread Rajinikanth introduced the new Norton Power Eraser
EDIT post not germane to the Topic
CeeBee wrote:
In a separate thread Rajinikanth introduced the new Norton Power Eraser
EDIT post not germane to the Topic
" as a last or near last resort?"
Not even that...
Just curious why would you be running NPE? I thought that was only used as a last or near last resort?
Imo, the point of this thread is that, in my ol' computer XP case, the new NPE won't run if that situation ever happens? But, to answer your question, I do run NPE from time to time .. to double check that other scanners haven't missed something. With XP being EOL I think that's more relevant than ever.
Thanks Peter, I'll check the sites you recommend - repair doesn't work -
Rather than using NPE to cross check the system security, I suggest you to use Malwarebytes Antimalware free edition from www.malwarebytes.org. Regarding the system incompactablity, you can always keep a backup of older versions of NPE and wait till this issue is solved.
Agree, and that's what I have been doing for years. I use MBAM, SuperAntiSpyware, Sophos, F-Secure and more. Plus, I use MB's Anti-Exploit as well. Afaik, older versions of NPE won't run, as the program checks for updates every time. Won't run offline either.
Frankly, if, down the road, NAV/NPE won't work with my old (SSE only) computer (I don't think this is an XP issue), I can live with that. But, my point is that the Symantec/Norton Support guys should come 'out of their closets' and explain what's going on. If NAV/NIS only supports SSE2 CPUs from now on, I think Norton should say so and be clear about it. Simple as that.
XP is dead and has been issued EOL and EOS a lot ago, so just using an AV to protect unpatched os will be not much effective.
My XP computer can't be upgraded to W7. So, until it's replaced with newer hardware, that's the way the cookie crumbles. But, I don't think Norton should be the decisive factor here.
Sorry forthe OT,I hadalready postedthisinfoonNIS/ NAVForum.
NPEhas beenupdated to the latestversionviaLive Update.
I just got a NortonPower Eraserupdate v. (3.45MB)
Which Norton programs are opening with Open Office?
What version of Norton Product are you using? From the main Norton screen, click Support - About.
Did you just install Norton? If so, what other security product were you using, and how did you remove it?
From the NU 16 main page click on Settings. Click on General tab to get the 1 Click Optimization settings. Try turning off the Registry scan.
See if this stops your short cut problems next time you run your scan.
Registry scanners are of questionable use on most systems. If your system is running well, you should leave the registry alone.
Regarding a release of a newly revitalised version of Norton Utilities, such as version 17, unfortunately has not and is not looking all that promising. Another small point update fixing a few little things may yet eke out. . .
Still, I suppose it is better to live (and die) in hope than in despair. Come on Symantec, bring on the hope. ;-)
Thanks, I will try that. :-)
Hi everyone,
Sorry about the inconvenience caused. We are aware of this issue and we are working on getting it fixed. Thank you for notifying us. We will update this thread once we have more information.
Gayathri Rajendiran
Norton Forums Administrator
Symantec Corporation