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Norton DNS - new IP's not working


Updated Norton DNS to the new IP's:


Tested connecting to an Adult site and it went through OK, not blocked.


Changed back to the old IP's:



And it was blocked.


Also tried with various other sites too and they were all allowed through.


Have flushed DNS cache, cleared browser cache's etc and no difference

Re: Spayware smears HD videos and games,deforming 3D


CWY8X wrote:

Expertson several occasions Iremoved theproblemforlarge sums.Problemisalwaysaftermonths later.AVGantivirusfinds aproblembut shortlyafterwardsto ruinhdd.Norton antivirus not identified problem. Have exhaustedallpossibilities for removing.Procesor intel i3,8gb ram, windows prof. 7 64bit,asus GTX 560ti,W. digital 1 trb, 64mb cache.


Sorry that you are having so many problems. I can offer only two bits of advice:

1. No single security program can protect you 100% of the time from 100% of the threats that are being released by the thousands daily.

There are several free, on demand scanners that will compliment your Norton product's active scanner to help you keep your system free of most infections. For the serious ones

2. Please choose one of the free sites listed below and after reading their rules/instructions get help from one of their trained staff of volunteers.


Keep us posted

Re: issues not repaired


raxremtax wrote:

I selected the registry scan for performance.  The results were that there was 1 issue found and the issue was ignored.  Therefore it was not repaired.  The results showed "Number of issues repaired:  0".  Why wasn't this repaired?  Please see attachment.


It's quite possible that the program's 'auto fix' capability is not up to repairing that problem. Not all registry errors can be repaired by automated fixes. There are times when a human must take a look at the registry and make changes manually to repair the problem.

If you feel the need please select one of the free sites listed and after reading their instruction/ rules post a message requesting help. They are all staffed by trained volunteers who can guide you through the process.

Keep us posted

Re: Norton DNS - new IP's not working


Hi gary_dexter,


Thanks for the post.  I've reported this to the Norton DNS team and will get back to you.







Re: Norton DNS - new IP's not working

Re: Norton DNS - new IP's not working


Hi gary_dexter, 


Can you please let us know where are you located, which country are what state?


What browser and operating system (Windows, Mac, etc) you are using. 












Re: Norton DNS - new IP's not working


United Kingdom - near London 


tried on Windows 7/8/8.1 using Chrome and iE11


also on an ipad and iPhone 


settings are entered onto devices individually as ISP router does not allow DNS config changes in the firmware

NU 16 Dashboard frozen, won't update status


Using Norton Utilities, engine  Suddenly for about a week the dashboard is frozen at "0" and won't change no matter which steps I complete to improve health.  Also the list of steps to improve health does not change after performing a listed step.  Please help

Re: NU 16 Dashboard frozen, won't update status


Have you restarted your computer?




Re: Spayware smears HD videos and games,deforming 3D


CWY8X wrote:

Expertson several occasions Iremoved theproblemforlarge sums.Problemisalwaysaftermonths later.AVGantivirusfinds aproblembut shortlyafterwardsto ruinhdd.Norton antivirus not identified problem. Have exhaustedallpossibilities for removing.Procesor intel i3,8gb ram, windows prof. 7 64bit,asus GTX 560ti,W. digital 1 trb, 64mb cache.

Also, if you are running AVG and Norton on the same machine at the same time, you are risking conflicts between the two that may actually reduce your protection. Malware can slip in while both AVs are trying to decide which will deal with the problem.


Most AV companies say to run only 1 AV product with real time scanning at a time.




Re: Utilities 16 and SSD's


Have you tried clicking on the grayed link under Recommended Actions?


My NU 16 has a blue link that will start the defrag. The grayed link may not work as it IS recognizing the SSD.








Re: NU16 Level 2 support: How long is the typical wait time for L2 support through chat?


jimw203 wrote:

Twice I have had the same problem with NU16 referred up the chain to level 2 support. Twice I have been waiting for a response for more than an hour with no evidence that the molve is even in progress. The last notation on the  remote control window is: transfering session to another technician - remote control session with xxxx has stopped.


How much longer should I wait (at this point in this session I have been waiting for nearly two hours)?

Did Support ask for access to your system? Is that the remote session that has stopped? If so, I would say that session is over, and you will have to contact them again to start a new session. You would not want them to be able to access your system whenever they felt like it.




Re: I have Norton Utilities 16. A few days ago the dashboard stopped working. The status is always


Norton utilities 16.017. My system is Windows 7 64 bit. I am the only one using the computer.  I have another laptop with Vista, and NU works fine. I have uninstalled and reninstalled. Same problem.  Strange.  I think someone else posted about this recently.

Thanks very much.


Re: I have Norton Utilities 16. A few days ago the dashboard stopped working. The status is always


Have you restarted the computer?


Did you click on   NU2.JPGagain?








Windows won't start after trying to use Norton Power Eraser - eMachine Windows 7 64 bit


I tried to install norton antivirus suite, but received an error (boot.cidox) which directed me to use Norton Power Eraser.  After trying to use power eraser,  Windows will not boot in any mode.


Please, help,  I need this computer back up asap..


I've seen it fixed for another user... back in 2012.



Can anyone please help me?

I have already done one of the steps listed in the other post. I have also uploaded the output file.

Thanks  to all of you in advance.



Mr. C.

Re: Windows won't start after trying to use Norton Power Eraser - eMachine Windows 7 64 bit

Re: Windows won't start after trying to use Norton Power Eraser - eMachine Windows 7 64 bit




You may be able to get some assistance at tthis forum.  They have the tools and the experience.  Best to do nothing further to your machine.  The big problem with trying to use someone else's fix is that different files can be affected from the other problem and you can easily make things worse.  There are warnings on all of the forums.



Re: Windows won't start after trying to use Norton Power Eraser - eMachine Windows 7 64 bit

Re: Windows won't start after trying to use Norton Power Eraser - eMachine Windows 7 64 bit

Re: Windows won't start after trying to use Norton Power Eraser - eMachine Windows 7 64 bit

Yes. I just called the friend who was with me earlier trying to work on it and he told me what he tried. So I posted it to the other forum to see if anyone else would help. Was looking to you for help 1st on here. Are you now available to assist?
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