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Re: Backup file naming anomaly


Did you need to restore an image at that time?

It looks like during the time of backup set 053 you restored an image from set 046.


error EC8F1F5B means "Connection to the Offsite location is being lost/dropped during the offsite copy phase of a backup job."

The laptop going into hybernation would explain that.



Re: Backup file naming anomaly


No, I did not restore a backup set.  What will happen in a few weeks after 46, 47, 48, 59 and there is already a 50?  Is there any way I can get back to 54, the next number above where I lost it. What you said gave me an idea.  Could I not restore the backup to the last incremental backup under 053?  If that would work, I could probably do that without losing too much data.  I might have to re-install Norton 360 would be all.  Thanks for your comments.


Re: Backup file naming anomaly


I don't know what happens when it gets to 50 and there is already an image with that number.  But that must be happening now because you still would have had 47, 48, and 49.


Maybe it just gets overwritten with the new image or maybe it gets renumbered like when you force an extra full image for the same day.


But I wouldn't bother trying to restore an image just to get the number back in a correct sequence.  As long as the images are being made and verify as good I would just keep going and see what happens.

I might make a copy of image 053 into another location for a while as an extra backup but I don't think the numbers matter much at this point.


I seem to recall the numbers on mine getting messed up for a while.

You posed this topic in the wrong section, once it's moved into the Ghost section more people will see it and be able to comment on it.  But being a weekend after thanksgiving it may not get moved until monday.



viewing status of the agent using Norton Ghost version 10.0


I am running Windows XP Pro on a desktop computer that I built myself in 2004.  I installed Norton Ghost version 10.0.

Now, when I try to perform a backup, I get the message "Cannot connect to the agent on BOSSCAT".  BOSSCAT is the name of my computer.


I have attempted to view the status of the agent by clicking start>run and typing services.msc.  I cannot see the name Norton Ghost under the Name column.


I still have the installation disk from when I installed and registered the software.


Please advise.




Terence Bate

Re: Product Update - Norton Utilities 16.0.1


Hi everyone,


The Norton Utilities team has released v16.0.1.7!




This release fixes the below issue:

- Norton Utilities 16 shows "Core product(s) have been modified. Please run smart update or reinstall the product" [link]


If you haven't received this update already, please run Smart Update.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask on the Other Norton Products Community Forums!



Gayathri Rajendiran
Norton Forums Administrator
Symantec Corporation

Backup file naming anomaly

Moved to Norton Ghost for better exposure.

viewing status of the agent using Norton Ghost version 10.0

Moved to Norton Ghost Board for better exposure.

NU 16 erasing all restore points every defrag


I'm running Norton Utilities on Windows 8.1, and every time I run a defrag of my hard drive, NU erases all restore points as part of the defrag.


I don't like this "feature"!  I understand that keeping all restore points "forever" takes up unneccessary space on my hard drive, but I would rather be able to choose which restore points get deleted, and when.  Erasing them all every defrag leaves me at risk of having NO restore points to use should I need them, and discourages me from running a defrag.


Does anyone know of a work around for this other than just not running a defrag?  Is there a setting somewhere I can change to prevent deletion of restore points during a defrag?


Any help or advice would be apprecitated.

NU 16 not clearing cookies


When I run clear my browsing history, cookies do not seem to be cleared.


I've selected a few of the hundreds of cookies listed to be retained.  I'm expecting the list to only contain those cookies selected to be retained if I look at it immediately after clearing the browsing history, but the same list of hundreds remains.


I do not have a browser open when I clear the history, and I've tried checking both with and without a reboot after clearing history.


I'm running Norton Utilities and Windows 8.1 with IE 11.0.9600.16438


Am I misunderstanding something or are the cookies not actually being cleared?

Re: Intel Anti theft / Norton Anti theft Locking issue


After 3 weeks , Norton support team was not helpful at all. The technicians are not qualified and even they did not know about Intel anti theft. The average pickup phone was more than 30 minutes and in some cases 1 hour ! (they transfer calls between people. However they could easily add a number to divert the call  to anti theft department). One of the worst experiences ever I had and definitely I am considering moving to another vendor ! 

Anyway after lots of research I found the problem myself. The problem was "Intel Management Engine Interface"  , I downloaded from my laptop manufacturer and now it seems fine.



Re: NU 16 erasing all restore points every defrag


Hi Fern

People are reporting issues with NU16 and windows 8.1, I have Nu15 and on the user interface at the top right hand side there is smart updates I don’t know if this will help.


Norton launches the windows defragmentation tool so you may like to try using the windows defragmentation tool?


Or try this defragmentation tool it is recommended by regular users of the Norton forum. 








Re: NU 16 not clearing cookies


Hi Fern

People are reporting issues with NU16 and windows 8.1, I have Nu15 and on the user interface at the top right hand side there is smart updates I don’t know if this will help.


To allow selected cookies to be kept and unwanted cookies to be deleted there are two options listed below.  The first option means that each browser you use will need option one performed on and if the browser has an upgrade then the process may need to be performed again.  The option two covers all browsers and upgrades to those browsers.


To ensure that you are only keeping the legitimate cookies, delete all cookies first then visit the websites to collect the cookies by performing the normal tasks on the website so that the only cookies you have are the ones you require.


Disable cookies from Norton scan navigate to tracking cookies and switch tracking cookies scan to ignore, click apply, click ok.


Option one.

Use the browser concerned to deal with the cookies, for this you’ll need to use the web to find the browser and the specific version and follow the instructions.


Option two.  Please check that C cleaner is compatible with windows 8.1?

Use C cleaner it has two buttons, cleaner and registry, cleaning the registry can cause serious problems so it is best to leave it alone.  If you do use the registry cleaner button when it has finished there is a prompt to save the data removed to the documents folder, this data can be replaced by double clicking on the folder.



On the left hand pane of the cleaner user interface there are check boxes that can be unchecked so that the files in these locations will not be deleted.


To set selected cookies to keep in C cleaner click the C cleaner icon, click cleaner button, click options, click cookies, click on cookie to high light use arrow buttons on centre pane to move cookies from one pane to another.


C cleaner (5mb) is freeware, you might like to do some research on the web about C cleaner?








Norton Connections - IPv6




My name is Jan. I want to know, when Norton Connections for IPv6 will be available for use?

Thank you!


Greetings, Jan.

Re: NU 16 erasing all restore points every defrag


This situation is not specific to 8.1; it existed before that Windows upgrade. NU version 16 is not - it would appear - compatible with Windows 8 --- not fully. I have it uninstalled and am patiently waiting for a full compatibility fix or ugrade version.

Norton Utilities has decided to block java.


 I did a scan as usual every thing was ok but then I was getting a java box  telling me my security has blocked java. I have tried a few things and am now confused as to how to solve it. I even tried to go back in time to a restore point , but  that hasn't worked either. If you can advise me Please advise in layman's terms please. Many thanks.

Norton Utilitties

Windows XP Professional

Chrome toolbar

Norton 360 Premier Edition

Re: Norton Utilities has decided to block java.




Unless you need Java, I would suggest you uninstall it as it is a well known entry point for malware infections.


However, if you do need it...


It's more likely Norton 360 than Norton Utilities.


I'll ask for your post to be moved to the N360 board.  A link will be left here for you.

Ghost 15 how do I delete folders backup jobs? I select it and click Remove but won't delete


When I click on Remove, it just gives me a message that it cannot be deleted? 

Surely I don't have to reinstall?



Ghost 15 how do I delete folders backup jobs? I select it and click Remove but won't delete

This post has been moved to "Norton Ghost" board for better exposure.

Re: Some Norton files have suddenly stopped defragmenting


I only have Norton Internet Security on my PC, and an XP defrag won't move the Norton files anymore.  Seems to have started recently, or when NIS 2012 or NIS 2013 installed.


This seems to be a Norton Internet Security problem.  I don't think this thread should  have been moved from NIS queue.


Most people probably have the problem, but don't know it, also.

Re: Norton Utilities has decided to block java.


Thank you for the fast reply, I now at least have a clue and will check my Norton 360 while I wait for some more info.

Many thanks Krusty 13.

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