When an admin moves your thread, all you have to do is click on the link the admin posted and it will take you to your post in the new board.
When an admin moves your thread, all you have to do is click on the link the admin posted and it will take you to your post in the new board.
Ignore Dave's comment. If you were stupid you wouldn't have asked the question :smileywink:
I can't ignore Dave. He's too smart. I need his help. <G>
I am experiencing problem on norton anti theft my toshiba U945. I have paid with order NP226740963.
Norton™ AntiTheft
Subscription Renewal (1 Year
Windows 7 / 8 / XP / XP Pro / Vista / Android / Mac
Product Key: XXXXXX
Product Serial Number: XXXXXX
Subscription Expiration Date: 4/9/2015
How I get a new pasword??
Thanks bos
[Edit: removed product details to confirm with Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service ]
still not working as I have paid as Order Number: <removed>
Product Key: <removed>
Product Serial Number: <removed>
Subscription Expiration Date: 4/9/2015
How to solve then????
[Edit: Removed personally identifiable information to conform with the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service]
I have Connect Safe configured on my Belkin wireless router and noticed the same messages since Saturday, 3/29. See the same issue .
Hi max007.
I do not have Anti-Theft on any of my devices and so cannot realy help you but you might like to try the free 24 hr internet Chat link. That should get you straight through to a Norton Staff member who can hopefully help.
If you do try this, do let us know how you get on.
As your question is about Norton Anti-Theft and you have posted in the Norton Mobile Security Forum, I might suggest moving it to the Other Norton Products forum. Do not worry that you may lose it as a stub will always remain here pointing to the new location if it is moved. The aim would be to get your question better coverage.
All the best.
nirav wrote:I have a broadband connection (not wifi, but one with wire). I connect the internet after logging from ISP site ( Till now I was keeping the IP and DNS numbers blank.Now when I enter Norton DNS numbers, then at that time the internet works, but when I restart laptop next day then I am unable to open ISP or any other site. Once I again keep the DNS numbers blank then I am able to login.I have ZTE ZXDSL 831 II modem. I tried many IP address (posted on net) to configure it... also the Default Gateway one through IPCONFIG, but I am not able to get any configuration page.Plz suggest.
After you change the DNS to norton's DNS shut down both the computer and the modem, the router as well, if you are using one. wait about a minute and then start powering up the devices again.
This assumes that there is no set DNS in the router or modem
Keep us posted
Thanks for the posts. The Norton ConnectSafe team is currently working on the issue.
I'll keep you posted as soon as I get any updates.
Please let us know the following:
1. Norton ConnectSafe (DNS) IP addresses you use.
2. Where you are located (country and state) in.
3. Screenshot of the ‘Malicious’ block page
hello guys,
I would suggest to reset the router itself,
Please click the reset button on the router , wait for a minute. if the router successfully did the reset please go ahead and chec
check the website again if its working
Robby wrote:Yes, Peter, I did that. But, what I wanted was the home page of the GHOST Board, so I could do some future "new" posts there.
Somehow, I couldn't seem to get to "home" from what I had posted previously. (Probably being stupid again. <G>)
Any time you are reading a post, look by the top left and you will see the forum path listed. You can just click on the board name to take you to the main page for that board. As an example from your redirected post...Clicking on Norton Ghost would take you to the main page for the Ghost board.
Tks for your trouble on this, Peter. I'm learning. <G>
No trouble.
I try to learn one new thing a day.
Here's a screen shot that also shows the invalid certificate. I'm using a Belkin Router. If I turn ConnectSafe off, everything is good.
I'm on Cablevision in Dutchess County, New York.
Hi jimporell,
Thanks for the information. Can you please also let us know what Norton ConnectSafe (DNS) IP addresses you use?
I'm getting them out of my Belkin Router. They are:
Who is tells me that they both belong to Symantec. |