Hi jimporell,
I've sent you a private message. Please check it when you get a chance.
Hi jimporell,
I've sent you a private message. Please check it when you get a chance.
The following websites are being blocked for me...this just started this afternoon and is affecting both laptop, smartphones and iPads.
- espn.com
- sports.yahoo.com
- outlook.com
Please help!!
I am on TimeWarner Cable in Winston-Salem, NC.
Thanks dickevans for replying.
I entered Norton DNS numbers and then shutdown Windows and router/modem and restarted after a minute. I was able to connect to internet after that!
What I dont understand is why I can connect to internet if I got disconnected for a minute and not if I am logged off overnight?
I am unable to connect to internet next day with Norton DNS (at night I switch off everything.. laptop, modem) and restart both next day morning. Let me see if I am unable to connect tomorrow morning.
Also, is there any way to check that I am connected through Norton DNS (similar to check provided by OpenDNS). I know I can check by visiting malicious websites.. but I am not asking to check like that.
Internet again failed to connect.
When I awoke Windows 7 from sleep (after lunch hrs) then I was again unable to connect to internet with Norton DNS. I had to keep dns numbers blank.. only then I was able to connect to the internet.
nirav wrote:Internet again failed to connect.
When I awoke Windows 7 from sleep (after lunch hrs) then I was again unable to connect to internet with Norton DNS. I had to keep dns numbers blank.. only then I was able to connect to the internet.
Which DNS numbers where are blank? Are all of the devices set to a blank DNS [or auto]?
This is what I mean when I say that I keep DNS numbers blank....
You need to configure the Norton DNS values to your router, not the PC.
Configure your router to use these values and disable the " Automatically assign DNS feature"
It should work.
Apostolos wrote:Hi,
You need to configure the Norton DNS values to your router, not the PC.
Configure your router to use these values and disable the " Automatically assign DNS feature"
It should work.
Hi Apostolos, thanks for replying.
I have ZTE ZXDSL 831 II modem. I tried many IP address (posted on net) to configure it... also the Default Gateway one through IPCONFIG, but I am not able to get any configuration page.
Be sure you are only enteing the Norton DNS settings in the DNS section. Do not touch the IP address section.
zamzow wrote:The following websites are being blocked for me...this just started this afternoon and is affecting both laptop, smartphones and iPads.
- espn.com
- sports.yahoo.com
- outlook.com
Please help!!
I am on TimeWarner Cable in Winston-Salem, NC.
I just checked those sites and all loaded correctly. What DNS settings are you using? I use
All is now working correctly. Not sure how the glitches got ironed out, but all is well with navigating.
Thank you.
Hi All,
The Norton ConnectSafe team has corrected the issue. Please let us know if it works for you.
Hi Peter,
peterweb wrote:Be sure you are only enteing the Norton DNS settings in the DNS section. Do not touch the IP address section.
Hi Peter,
I just enter Norton DNS numbers.. I keep IP address blank/auto obtain.
Can PCAnywhere version 12.0 remote connect to PCAnywhere version 12.5 host (the latest build)?
Every time Norton Utilities runs it add Suggested Sites to my IE 11 browser. How do I turn off?
attempts to scan my registry result in a timeout at entries involving hkey_classes_root\cdo.knowledgeserver.1
and now cdo.knowledgestartaddress\curver
Ran scan in safe mode and apparently corrected the first as scan stopped at the second
windows xp sp3
Are you sure it is Norton Utilities doing this?
I have NU16 and IE11 on two W7 x64 machines and NU does not add any suggested sites for me.
Perhaps you have malware or a PUP?
What program is doing the scanning? along with the version
I too have NU 16 and Win 7, and have never seen this acton when running NU. As Krusty13 notes it could be a PUP that you have picked up. A PUP is a Possibly Unwanted Program. While they are annoying, they do not cause damage to your system. Some people actually want the 'Features' offered by these programs.
Norton products concentrate on malware that can damage your system, that is why PUPs are not detected.
You can add your voice to a post in the Product Suggestions board to add this protection http://community.norton.com/t5/Product-Suggestions/A-PUP-category/m-p/847244#U847244
I would suggest a second opinion scan using the FREE version of Malwarebytes. You can find it here http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free/
Is there some reason you want to run this registry scan? Normally Windows handles the registry the best. Other scanners can cause problems if the user does not know enough about what is being changed in the registry.