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Re: Can I edit Norton Account Manager?


Hi peterweb,


Thanks for the tip.


However, when I click My Devices it says that there are "no devices associated with your account" ( I am guessing that at the install stage I was asked if I wanted to associate a device, and I said No? There are 3 entries under the Device Name heading in the Norton 360 screen in the Products tab).


The screen says: "To add a device to your account, you must download the Norton App to that device"


If I click Add Devices, it takes me to a screen with a picture of the Norton Internet Security retail box and invites me to download NIS to my PC. Why would I want to do this?


I am a little confused.....



Re: Can I edit Norton Account Manager?


On each computer you want to manage, you need to set Remote Management to ON in your 360 settings. The image below is from NIS. Maybe a 360 user   can guide you to the setting in 360.





remote management.JPG





Re: Can I edit Norton Account Manager?


Hi wolfie882.


Under N360 that setting can be found by - Opening N360; selecting "Settings" from the top bar; then selecting "Administrative Settings"; and you should then find it as about the 7th option down.


I hope that helped.  If not, let me know and I will try again.  :smileywink:

Re: Can I edit Norton Account Manager?


Hi all,


Thanks for the guidance.


Yes, switching Remote Management to ON within N360 allowed me to create a new name for the device I am working on in Norton Management. I made the change, signed out of Norton Management, and signed back in.


But I see that in the Products screen, the name of the device I am working on has not changed in the Device Names list. Should this have changed as per my amendment? It seems odd to have the same device with 2 different names within Norton Management.


Or am I missing something...?

Re: PCanywhere


Hi  ,

If you would like to discuss Symantec Enterprise products (Symantec pcAnywhere) please visit http://www.symantec.com/connect/. These Norton forums are specifically for consumer product discussion. I apologize for this inconvenience.

Sunil G A
Norton Forums Administrator
Symantec Corporation.

Re: Can I edit Norton Account Manager?


After you got the Norton management to show your device, did you try changing the name as in my earlier post?


If you have not yet, try restarting your computer, and then check what shows in Norton management.




Norton ConnectSafe (DNS) Spam Blacklist lookups


Norton ConnectSafe DNS appears not to work properly for some RBL lookups..

My mail collector (POPCon) works fine if i use OpenDNS but fails some of the RBL lists if I use Norton ConnectSafe DNS.

Blacklist cbl.abuseat.org failed during testing and will not be used.
Blacklist ix.dnsbl.manitu.net failed during testing and will not be used.
Blacklist dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net failed during testing and will not be used.
Blacklist dnsbl-2.uceprotect.net failed during testing and will not be used.


Anyone got any ideas?


How do I know if norton mobile security is protecting my iPad? I don't see any symbols or updates?

This post has been moved to 'Norton Mobile Security' board for better exposure

Re: Can I edit Norton Account Manager?


Hi peterweb


Started my HP laptop today and logged onto Norton Management.


On the My Devices screen my laptop is named as "HP LAPTOP" (the name I created yesterday using the method you suggested).

However, on the Products screen in N360 my laptop is still named as "USER HP"


Any ideas?

Re: Can I edit Norton Account Manager?

Re: Norton ConnectSafe (DNS) Spam Blacklist lookups


Hi NobbyBarnes,


Can you please let us know what Norton ConnectSafe IP addresses you use?





How to run NIS from HDD with SSD as boot drive

This post has been moved to 'Norton Internet Security / Norton AntiVirus' board for better exposure

Re: Can I edit Norton Account Manager?


Hi again,


This is the Norton Management home page which appears on logging in showing the device name I created


Norton Home.jpgIn the above screen I click the "Products" link. In the screen which then opens, I then click "Norton 360" and a screen appears which I have cropped below to show the Device Name list. The device named "HP LAPTOP" in the My Devices screen above (the name I created a couple of days ago) is listed as "USER-HP" on the Products screen. The other 2 devices are my desktop, and a netbook which I have yet to add to the My Devices screen. Does this help?


Norton Products.png



Re: Why does Norton Utilities 16 close my Internet browser when it runs?


I have been having the same problem and the privacy setting mentioned in the solution is NOT set. Any ideas?

Re: Can I edit Norton Account Manager?


I believe that the names listed in the My Account tab are taken from your computers name that you assign when you first set up Windows. If you want to change the name on that screen, you would have to change the name in Windows System Information.


Even though the names may not match, you still use the My Devices tab to manage your devices.




Re: Why does Norton Utilities 16 close my Internet browser when it runs?


Ascot wrote:

I have been having the same problem and the privacy setting mentioned in the solution is NOT set. Any ideas?

Try setting that settin to ON and reboot. Then turn it off again and reboot. Then test.


Sometimes settings get muddled and need to be jogged back into place.




Re: Can I edit Norton Account Manager?


Thanks again peterweb.


Yes, I think that's what I would need to do.


However, a litle research into the process of changing computer name tells me that it could cause issues with internet connection and links to other devices.


So I think I will tolerate the mismatched names in Norton!


But thanks for your help.

Re: Can I edit Norton Account Manager?


Changing your computer name in Windows should not affect your internet, but it could affect other computers on your local network from accessing your computer. If you do not access one computer from the others, this would not be an issue.


Then again, as you say the mismatch names in Norton Management is not a big deal either.




Can't access while in Norton Account online Identity Safe Vault keeps giving error

Moved to Norton Toolbar/Identity Safe Board for better exposure.

I can't Verify ownership

Moved to Norton Toolbar/Identity Safe Board for better exposure.
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