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Re: Norton ConnectSafe (DNS) Spam Blacklist lookups


I should also point out that I am using the Norton ConnectSafe DNS servers as 'Forwarders' in the DNS server on my local windows server, thus the query/lookup type/method is slightly different than when used directly from NSLOOKUP on a client PC.

But this approximates to be verry similar to setting the DNS in your router of most home/office scenarios.



Whitelisting a domain on Norton ConnectSafe



I'm using Norton ConnectSafe DNS and found my domain idea52.com is blacklisted. Can you please guide me how I can request the ConnectSafe team to review the domain and whitelist it?




Re: Whitelisting a domain on Norton ConnectSafe

Re: Whitelisting a domain on Norton ConnectSafe

ghost 15 srd wont recognise new hard drive


At the end of last year I purchased a new laptop with Windows 7 installed
Previous to this I had been using Windows XP with a Western Digital WD3200A external disc drive. No problems with Back up or Recovery.

With windows 7 and the same external drive I began to have problems at the end of the recovery in as much as instead of the long stream of 0’s and 1’s I was only getting short sections with the odd red background

Feeling that my disc drive was getting old (at least 5 years) and Playing up I purchased a Western Digital Passport Ultra and this is where my problem really started.

In response to a previous thread (which I can’t find again) I reformatted my Passport Drive and Copied a backup to it. I made it the F:\ drive which was the letter my old working drive had. The drive appears O.K. on my window explorer and on Ghost “Recovery Point Browser”(all local drives and F:\Passport) with both showing my Backup content

Using my Ghost Disc to Boot up I went through the following:
1, Recover my computer
2. Said no recovery points available
3. Clicked O.K. to browse and browsed
4 Clicked on Computer
5. No external hard Drive Present

Where am I going wrong

My current set up is
Toshiba c850 Laptop
Windows 7
Western Digital “Passport Ultra” external hard drive.

Any assistance will be gratefully received


Re: ghost 15 srd wont recognise new hard drive



Questions before answers.

What is the size of the external drive and how is it formatted?

What is the connection type [USB 2.x or USB 3.x]?


Re: ghost 15 srd wont recognise new hard drive


Thanks Dave

it's a 1 terrabyte Western Digital Passort Ultra re-formatted NTFS USB 2 Connection

Re: ghost 15 srd wont recognise new hard drive

Re: ghost 15 srd wont recognise new hard drive


Dick, Dave, not a problem - just anything but late for supper :smileywink:


All drivers up to date?

Is drive connected and powered up when the computer boots?

I'm grasping now as I have a 1T backup external and it's running just fine. Takes data every third day or so and lets me copy back anything I think I need or want to test.

Re: ghost 15 srd wont recognise new hard drive


Hi Dick

I've got there in the end

Tried updating Windows, Norfon and Wetern Digital

No Effect

Tried going into recovery mode with external hard drive connected and disconnected

No Effect

What else to try.  Went back through your previous posts and saw the reference to USB connection

My external hard drive has a tag on it saying  USB 3.0 compatible with USB 2.0

Looked in Laptop manual and found I have a USB 2.0 port on the left hand side and 2 X USB (2.0 OR 3.0) ports on the right hand side.

Vaguely remembering a previous post regarding issues with USB 3.0  I swapped the external hard drive to the  USB 2.0 port

and HEY PRESTO   there it was

So, after 3 days of watching paint dry, a comparatively simple solution


Thank you very much for your kind assistance

Best Regards

Re: ghost 15 srd wont recognise new hard drive


You have to love a simple solution!

Stay well and surf safe

Norton DNS status


I'm wondering the status of Norton DNS, and when I went to the dns.norton.com the webpage didn't show up.

Re: Norton DNS status


I have asked for some information about this.

Re: Norton DNS status




Thanks for notifying us about this issue. We are looking into it. 



Gayathri Rajendiran
Norton Forums Administrator
Symantec Corporation

Re: Norton DNS status

Any chance that a test page like the previous setup.nortondns.com will return? So we can check if DNS are ok. Thanks.

How do I get Power eraser upgrade ?


I get a message saying i have 2 trojons 1 in rookit The other in deeply embedded Help

Re: How do I get Power eraser upgrade ?

What are the proper IP addresses for ConnectSafe?


There are two stickies on this forum for connectsafe.  one says to use "" and the other one (a bit older) says to use "".  Which is correct?  I suggest the incorrect one be removed...


Then, if you search for setting up ConnectSafe DNS on google, the following page comes up:




This page says to use the ""  addresses...



Any help with this one?





ConnectSafe Blocking IMPORTANT Microsoft Servers


I've been using (as forwarders on our Windows DNS server) and they have been blocking major Microsoft sites for the past week or two (off and on).  "download.microsoft.com" was blocked off and on over the last week or so and the sites (or a site) behind Microsoft Update were being blocked yesterday (I tested on a separate machine with CS DNS & Google DNS).  I also had trouble with "g.microsoftonline.com" (one of Office 365 sites).


Has anyone else noticed this?  BTW, both download...  and Microsoft update seems to be working  now...






Re: Norton DNS status

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