As I said, I know nothing about DNS forwarding, and maybe that is adding some behaviour that seemed to behave like a browser redirect if you were not using forwarding.
As I said, I know nothing about DNS forwarding, and maybe that is adding some behaviour that seemed to behave like a browser redirect if you were not using forwarding.
i put Comondo DNS or google DNS to DNS Fwd, they work fine. But as soon as i put either 199 or 198* (NOrton DNS) back - SSL problem occurs
If you click "check for updates" in Windows Update (from a Windows 7 machine) is failing with a 80072F76 error. The minute I change DNS to, it works fine. You swap back and it fails again. See attached when trying to get to update.microsoft.com!!!!
download.microsoft.com is also flakey.
Unlike Brad, I am able to get to "login.microsoftonline.com" with no problem (at least now)... I have setup as a forwarder (Widnows Server 2003 R2).
Don't know what this means or how to correct the situation
If you are referring to not being able to ping the DNS addresses, there have been a number of posts here. It seems for whatever reason, they appear to be un pingable.
Are you having any issues resolving DNS names/addresses?
as an update, it is working randomly (mostly failing but working once in a while). i suspect that Norton DNS is having issues with akamai again (there were some problems a couple of months ago). this would account for the randomness (some akamai servers are blocked and some are not). this is just a guess on my part...
i would be nice to get an update from someone at norton! KatieQ are you out there???
What is Patch?
A patch is an update to an existing program to add functionalily or fix a known problem.
Where did you see this, and for which product? There was a patch recently to help with compatibility problems with Chrome browsers when using version 20 of Norton products.
aaa_9116 wrote:What is Patch?
A patch is a short segment of code which replaces an existing section in order to update or correct the larger program.
Hope this helps
Hi billATisc,
Please try again to see if it works for you.
Hi Ltcp,
Thanks for the inquiry. The page http://status.nortondns.com is no longer supported.
aaa_9116 wrote:What is Patch?
... The name of a dog I had when I was a liitle kid. :smileytongue:
Why do many people can not use it!
Norton admin make :
Norton dns default gateway :
100% of norton dns user ping time out
It is must be change to:
DO IT NOW, Please!
If you do not do so, What is your IQ (Norton), the problem is very simple!
PING time out!!! :robotfrustrated:
norton dns Must make a change! Why do many people can not use it!
Why do many people can not use it!
Norton admin make :
Norton dns default gateway :
100% of norton dns user ping time out
It is must be change to:
DO IT NOW, Please!
What is your IQ (Norton), the problem is very simple!
PING time out!!! :smileymad:
idiot tech of admin
I am not a DNS expert, so maybe you can explain something for me.
How does it affect the use of the DNS service if the servers are not pingable? I am still able to access websites, which is what I want to do.
Norton admin make :
Norton dns default gateway :
100% of norton dns user ping time out
It is must be change to:
DO IT NOW, Please!"
I hope it is a joke what you are mentionning above.
Have you ever thought that there could be a Zone-based Firewall blocking pings and associated protocol as a security measure??
Are you a DDoS fan??
Why do you want to ping Norton DNS servers??
Could you describe??
freewot wrote:norton dns Must make a change! Why do many people can not use it!
Why do many people can not use it!
Norton admin make :
Norton dns default gateway :
100% of norton dns user ping time outIt is must be change to:
DO IT NOW, Please!
What is your IQ (Norton), the problem is very simple!PING time out!!! :smileymad:
idiot tech of admin
You state that a change must be made to the DNS, why?
A ping timeout only means that the server is set to refuse to respond to a ping. I've had no problems surfing the Internet using Norton's DNS servers.
The masks you list look like something that should be configured on your machine. They are not valid IP addresses for anything on the Internet. Please rethink your request. If you have a valid one post it in the product suggestions forum
Til then
Stay well and surf safe