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Site not getting verified in safeweb - It was flagged as malicious but our scans found nothing

This post has been moved to "Norton Toolbar / Norton Identity Safe" board for better exposure.

Re: How to prevent my child from bypassing Norton ConnectSafe?


KathyP wrote:

My child was able to bypass connectsafe by changing the DNS settings on his computer. Is there any way I could prevent that from happening by changing the settings on my Belkin N600 DB outer?


Short answer is YES - the router method works quite well. Just be aware that everyone using the router to connect to the internet will be subject to the same chosen ConnectSafe restriction level rule set...


Here is the link to the general information webpage regarding router setup for using the ConnectSafe DNS servers:




Note that true success will also require assigning a "Strong Password" for the administrative level access into your router's configuration options.


If you are uncomfortable configuring your router yourself I would recommend that you consider employing the services of a qualified technician.


Kind regards,



Re: How to prevent bypassing Norton SafeConnect?


Hi titan,


To make sure I understand you correctly, are you saying even after you add Norton ConnectSafe IP addresses on the Actiontec Router with password protected, the client device, under the router is still not filter?  If so, can you please provide a sample name of the unfiltered DNS servers?






Re: google drive sub-site being blocked by norton DNS - doc-0c-20-docs.googleusercontent.com


Hi avjohnnie,


For Policy 1, Yes.  For Policy 2 & 3, they combines with other data checking.





Re: google drive sub-site being blocked by norton DNS - doc-0c-20-docs.googleusercontent.com


KatieQ wrote:

Hi avjohnnie,


For Policy 1, Yes.  For Policy 2 & 3, they combines with other data checking.





Thank you for confirming.


Kind regards,


Re: How to prevent bypassing Norton SafeConnect?


titan wrote:
I think Norton SafeConnect is a great idea. I have an Actiontec C1000A Router and I can't find any resources on how to configure it so that DNS port 53 is blocked. I only want the Norton SafeConnect DNS servers to work, but it seems very easy to bypass them by using any unfiltered DNS servers on a client device. Has anyone figured out how to only allow Norton's DNS servers? I haven't called my ISP or Actiontec yet. I thought I'd ask for help here first.

You'll need to use the "Services Blocking" feature of your router - Here's a link to an example of where that feature is located in your Actiontec's Advanced Setup:




There's a good example video about taking these steps posted on YouTube.  The video talks about forcing the use of the OpenDNS servers - you just need to substitute the OpenDNS IPs with the desired ConnectSafe DNS server IPs:




Kind regards,



Re: How to prevent my child from bypassing Norton ConnectSafe?


KathyP wrote:

My child was able to bypass connectsafe by changing the DNS settings on his computer. Is there any way I could prevent that from happening by changing the settings on my Belkin N600 DB outer?



Perhaps your child should not be using an 'Administrator account' on their system.  :smileywink:

Re: How to prevent my child from bypassing Norton ConnectSafe?


I will agree If my child was 7yrs old but he's 17 with his own computer. I don't mind him having access to the administrative setting, however, I do mind having control over what type of content he's able to look up. My main objective is to  fix the problem at the router if it can be done and that way there is less restriction for his sake. :smileywink:

Firefox 31 Support for Norton Toolbar NSS 21.3

Moved to Norton Toolbar/Identity Safe Board for better exposure.

How do I remove Norton Security Scan? I have tried using the Norton downloads in the solved section


I have already downloaded and used the programs in the solved section but it is still there!  I want it off this computer please. 


Re: How to prevent my child from bypassing Norton ConnectSafe?


KathyP wrote:

I will agree If my child was 7yrs old but he's 17 with his own computer. I don't mind him having access to the administrative setting, however, I do mind having control over what type of content he's able to look up. My main objective is to  fix the problem at the router if it can be done and that way there is less restriction for his sake. :smileywink:

Hi KathyP,


I noticed that you gave a [MeToo] to Titan's ConnectSafe inquirey about preventing bypassing a router's ConnectSafe settings, and I was therefore wondering if you had tried using the suggested ConnectSafe DNS router settings in your Belkin N600 - then afterward only to discover that your young person had circumvented those settings by overriding them using the direct configuration their computer's TCP/IP DNS stack with an alternate DNS? :smileywink:


FWIW, I looked up your model router's user guide and found that at least some versions of it (perhaps all) have an intergrated ConnectSafe use option. I also noticed that the manual warns that the implementation can be bypassed by doing exacly what I mentioned in my previous paragraph. FWIW, there are other ways a savvy individual can bypass this level of very simple deterrent - for example, using a VPN tunnel typically conveys the remote network's infrastructure services (including the remote's DNS) to the local computer. :smileysurprised:


The only relatively "sure fire" method of blocking such network traffic is by employing the use of more sophisticated firewall solution such as a SonicWALL and that can be a costly option to use... :smileyfrustrated:


Because of this, and as long as it is important enough to you, reconsidering Krusty's suggestion about a non-administrative account may be your overall best choice. :smileywink:


Kind regards and best of luck in your endeavor,



Re: How do I remove Norton Security Scan? I have tried using the Norton downloads in the solved sec


Have you looked in Control Panel - Programs to see if it is listed there? If so, just uninstall it.


If you have no other Norton products on your system, you could try running the Norton Removal Tool from www.norton.com/nrt





Re: How do I remove Norton Security Scan? I have tried using the Norton downloads in the solved sec


cae04140 wrote:

I have already downloaded and used the programs in the solved section but it is still there!  I want it off this computer please. 


Hi cae04140,


As crazy as this sounds, if the removal from the ControlPanel that peteweb suggested fails to remove it,   please download the latest version of  Norton Security Scan  from http://security.symantec.com/.


Install the latest version and try uninstalling it via the Control Panel.

If the uninstall got corrupted one way to straighten it out is to reinstall it and uninstall it again.


I also understand that the Norton Removal Tool will not remove the program.


Let us know how things go.



Re: How do I remove Norton Security Scan? I have tried using the Norton downloads in the solved sec

cae04140 wrote:
I want it off this computer please. 

Have you googled around to find removal instructions for Norton Security Scan. 

I've found a post in Major Geeks and an article on eHow.

Let me know if you want me to post em'

I don't know how determined you are or how risk adverse you are.

The instructions are straight forward but, their offered AS IS


Re: Norton Power Eraser error?


Hi felisnki,


We are inverstigating this issue.If you really want to use rootkit scan functionality you can download the product from the below link to run rootkit scan. By running the downloaded Norton power eraser you can avoid this issue.


Download Link:



Thanks for the notification.

Norton Small Business should have more remote administration features


Hi, I'm a long time user of NIS and 360. A few days ago i found Norton Small Business beleiving it was the perfect product for our small business, so I bought 5 licenses to try it out. But I was disapointed to find out it was just NIS-2014. 


I was hoping for a light dashboard of some sort, with a little more posibilities than Norton Management. So I can manage all updates from one place. LogMeIn Central that has colour coding and icons for PCs that need attention. I'm thinking this could not be a lot of work to put into the Norton Management tool. Thoughts?2014-08-07_13-10-06.jpg


Important Update Regarding Norton Zone


I received the same email everyone else got back on 6/2 telling about Norton Zone being removed.  Today, Norton Zone is gone.  The very bad thing is that I just read the original letter sent out in June AFTER I got a pop-up telling me Norton Zone was no more.


I didn't have a lot of things in Norton Zone but they were things I had placed there knowing they would be safe - so I put them there and forgot about them.


In every place I have ever worked, the discontinuation of a service, especially one like Norton Zone - is prefaced by multiple letters being sent out warning of the impending change.  To the best of my knowledge, this was never done by Norton.  You might say, "this was mentioned and discussed amny times on the website."  You could also say, "In this day and age it is up to the user to make sure" . . ., but both of these are missing the point.


Norton is supposed to be an expert at keeping files safe.  I believe that as such, they did a terrible job this time.


Sign me "Let Down"



Re: Norton Small Business should have more remote administration features

360 and ghost compatability


I used ghost to b/u to new ext. hd. dr; 360 won't do registry cl up as "does not see a b/u date".

360 has b/u box red tho i did set to manual and identified ext hd dr as recipient of b/u.

Do ghost and 360 "talk" to each other?  


Re: 360 and ghost compatability


No, not as far as I know.  They are separate products and work independently.


PS, we don't charge per word or letter.  :smileywink:

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