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Re: Important Update Regarding Norton Zone


You note yourself that you received an email in June. Why did you wait until the service is gone to read that?


If you check your emails you may see one around the first week of July reminding you of the reduced functionality. 


If you are not reading your emails it is not the fault of Norton, who did notify all customers.




Invite existing NIS users to Norton management


Hi, we're a small company with around 20 pcs. We have bought a bunch of diferent licenses over the years, and got some bundeled with new PCs. Now I wish to invite all to Norton management, so I see who is protected and not. Is it posible to send a "add to Norton Management link" of some sort?


Re: Invite existing NIS users to Norton management


There is no ' add to Norton Management' link.


The Norton Mangement feature is tied to the Norton account that the Product Key was first registered to. As long as all PCs had NIS installed and registered to the same Norton Account, you should be able to use Norton Management.


You first need to check that all PCs have the setting for Remote Management set to on in NIS. Click on Settings - General - Other Settings. Look for the Remote Management  setting and turn it on. As the PCs sync to the Norton servers, you should start seeing all the PCs listed.


If you have different Norton Accounts for different keys, you may try contacting Norton Support via online chat and ask if they can transfer your keys to the one account. This may not be possible and you will have to wait until your products expire and then register the new keys to the one Norton Account.






Suggestion to FIX ConnectSafe DNS blocking pictures on photobucket


I have a suggestion to hopefully contribute to solving this issue once and for all.

I am using the ConnectSafe DNS (have tried the old and new at this point). Both block certain photobucket pictures from loading. Thus, impacting the experience I am having while trying to browse safely.

I would like to suggest that photobucket be moved to the 3rd set of IP addresses rather than the Security and porn blocking section. I believe it should be categorized under "malware, porn, mature content, abortion, alcohol, crime, drugs, gambling, hate, sexual orientation, suicide, tobacco, violence." as to not cause inconvenience to others.


If you don't adopt this solution, please allow Internet users to view my pictures on photobucket domain! My photobucket account is on domain: s1082.photobucket.com


Thank you for your consideration!

Re: Suggestion to FIX ConnectSafe DNS blocking pictures on photobucket


What is in the images that are getting blocked?


What level of protection are you using with Connectsafe?




Re: Suggestion to FIX ConnectSafe DNS blocking pictures on photobucket

The images are of a computer. Using the malware + porn protection.
What is happening is that the pictures won't load on photobucket. The photobucket site loads, but the pictures don't. It shows a "frame" or outline of where the picture should be and it's simply greyed out.
Just to try and expedite any troubleshooting steps, yes, I've tried without the protection on and I can load the site and pictures fine. This has been confirmed with multiple devices. Computers and mobile.

Re: Suggestion to FIX ConnectSafe DNS blocking pictures on photobucket


Do all your devices show the same blank frames?


Is it all images that are not showing, or just certain ones?


If just certain ones, what kinds of names or labels do you have attached to the problem images?


Are you able to view other user's images? I'm not sure how Photobucket works as I do not have an account.




Re: Suggestion to FIX ConnectSafe DNS blocking pictures on photobucket

All of the images show as blank frames.

Re: Suggestion to FIX ConnectSafe DNS blocking pictures on photobucket

They don't display at all on another site. I've linked them to a thread on a forum. Again, it works without the connectsafe DNS, yet doesn't work with the DNS... The images are blocked for whatever reason. Is there a solution to this issue? A whitelist that the subdomain can be added to? I would rather not do without any DNS security...

Re: Suggestion to FIX ConnectSafe DNS blocking pictures on photobucket


As a test, have you tried changing the Connect Safe settings to the basic settings? Are the images still blocked?


Let's see if can shed some light on this.




do the dashes in the key number need to to be included


Hi I have Norton Utiliies ver 16 on some of my pcs, but one of them has NU ver 14 that I load from a disk. I understand there is ino subscription on these products. I cannot run or activate the NU 14 product  after double checking the security key code. I have tried  infilling the dashes and by omitting them only to get the message that the trial period has expired. Surely there cannot be a trial period on a purchased disc? Bye the way the Norton Utilities 16 package came with a Norton Security package and it was some time later that I realised that I had inadvertantly purchased this additional product that runs on 3 pcs. I bought NIS products for a number of years now. Should I be able to reload these utilities packages on   HDD that I replaced?.Wallace

When trying to log into online vault I get message unable to log in at this time try again later.

Moved to Norton Toolbar/Identity Safe Board for better exposure.

Re: Suggestion to FIX ConnectSafe DNS blocking pictures on photobucket


Yes. The basic also results in the same issue. I would attach a screenshot, but it doesn't accept anything other than text files

Re: Suggestion to FIX ConnectSafe DNS blocking pictures on photobucket

Re: do the dashes in the key number need to to be included


Normally you do not include the dashes when entering a product key. They are added by the program.


If you are having trouble trying to activate the older version with the old key, you might try contacting Support via online chat. They have access to subscription information to help with this kind of problem.   www.norton.com/chat




Safe Web Evaluation

This post has been moved to 'Norton Toolbar / Norton Identity Safe' board for better exposure

Re: do the dashes in the key number need to to be included


Thanks Peter for your appreciated response. I am also pleased to have my response from  the guru. Having used Norton for some time I have come across a few few formats for filling in the Norton activation codes. I seem to get best reults where the dashes are automatically filled in. Probably the most difficult ones to fill are associated with Norton Mobile. An issue was that the activation window required the normal type of coding with its dashes to be filled in, but my supplied code had much fewer characters. it seemed the easiest way to activate codes and continue subscibing was when signed into the management site. However, talthough this is normally possible it did not happen when activating my mobile security. I had to try different ways to get the right type of activation window that accepted my packaged code number. Thanks again, Wallace

Anti theft device password - for disable timer




I was locked out of my laptop by the 'disable timer expired' function the other day, and somehow managed to fluke my password. I now want to change that password so that i can enter it into a password manager program I use, in the hope that I never forget it. 


Can anyone tell me how I can change the password for my laptop? I see I can change the login password for the website, but I'm guessing that is completely different. 


Many thanks,




Re: do the dashes in the key number need to to be included


Glad you were able to figure it out.


It would be easier if the activation pages would give specific instructions on how to handle the dashes.




Re: Suggestion to FIX ConnectSafe DNS blocking pictures on photobucket

 I guess my photo sizes are too large. Can someone try visiting the subdomain that I linked and see my issue? Thumbnails show in photobucket account, but when I click a photo to view individually is when it exhibits the issue... Mobile, pc, any device while using this DNS. Malware+porn
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